Dive into the latest trends in design, branding, and visual storytelling with insights and tips


Don’t judge a book from its cover… that’s what they say. And of course, as a graphic designer I disagree. The cover is important! On a first look, the cover makes you curious to buy the book. And looking at it, you make a decision- you let it in the library or take it home […]


April 27, 2022

Why packaging is as important as the product (or even more)

Have you realised that your product is not visible, memorable or… bought? If you are not attracting the right kind of customers or changed your business model recently- these are very serious reasons for a rebrand. But do not worry, dear bossbabe, cause I’ve got my designer hat and I’m ready to explain to you […]


April 26, 2022

How to tell if it’s time for a rebrand?

Yes, the last decade and mostly the Internet development has changed the way businesses are run- on a huge scale. Consider for example marketing and visual design – previously, we only had print and media – newspapers, billboards, TV commercials, and we were mailing out brochures and sales flyers.  That was offline marketing, and that […]


April 11, 2022

How to Create Cohesive Branding Online and Offline using Visual Design

Where can you use your logo? Basically everywhere! From your products and packaging to social media and websites, business cards, thank you notes, banners, newsletters, stickers, business vehicles, people stoppers, maps, invoices, promotional merchandise, clothes or even get a tattoo with your brand’s logo 🙂 anywhere you can imagine. Logo variations Simply put, the variations […]


March 31, 2022

Logo Variation

In a world full of colours, shapes and fonts, it is essential that you find the perfect combination that tells the story of your brand in just one look. What is your business about? What do you want people to do when they look at your brand identity?  And, most importantly, what do you want […]


September 30, 2021

What is a logo and why is it important for your brand’s success?